Collect ICONs

STEP.1What are ICONs?

ICONIT sends you various kinds of information in "ICONs"!
Many types of ICONs! Horoscope, news, promotion, friends and yourself turn into ICONs!
Collecting ICONs, enjoy ICONIT!

STEP.2Let's find ICONs!

ICONs can be added from "Recommend ICON" in ICON Book or by Search. Make your original ICON Book!
Special QRs (ex. profile ICON QR of friends using ICONIT) may turn into ICONs when being read!

STEP.3Let's create ICONs!

QR codes, which did not turn into ICONs but you want to keep or access, can be "added to ICON Book" by original ICONs!
These ICONs can be sent to your friends using ICONIT!